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A Bit About Misha E. Hollande

In Case You Were Wondering

It wouldn't be hard for someone familiar with me to surmise my actual identity from this website alone; upon seeing some of the things I've written - fiction or otherwise - plenty of people would be able to guess who "Misha Hollande" is in real life without much straining. A little hopscotching around Google and social media would probably easily reveal my identity to virtually anybody on the internet. The image I use for my "face" so often is from some Tumblr artwork of Sam Winchester (Supernatural) being distressed and disgusted. I'm not entirely sure why I use a pen name. I've just always enjoyed aliases and enjoy the sound of this one. I simply trust those that piece it together, or who I tell, to not ruin the fun.


I'm a simple person really. I like video games, history, politics, fluffy animals, and a few other odds and ends. My favorite author is probably either H.P. Lovecraft or Robert Harris, a fact likely reflected in some of my fiction. I don't have any delusions about being a great author (of fiction, history, or anything); I write because it's fun to me. It's satisfying. I enjoy sitting back and looking at something wonderful I've created, and that joy is magnified several times whenever anybody else enjoys it too.



About: Bio
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